Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Getting Ready, Getting Stoked

Well I have less than a week to pack up all my stuff and move it to undisclosed locations around the valley. Anybody that knows me beyond a superficial, "What's up Bro!?" is probably aware of how destructive packing is to my very being (knife slowly twist) *red*, especially when it's on a massive scale like this. I'm trying to finish up as much school stuff as possible before I leave so that I won't be as stressed with the other stresses I'm concerned about. And when I say trying to finish up school stuff I mean working on stuff in short bursts while intermittently pulling out my hair and screaming in tongues to the Lord to make it stop. I wish I could make this as funny as the seriously so blessed blog, or Bob Loblaw's Law Blog (Bob Loblaw no habla espanol). Hopefully it won't be that bitter, but you never know when it comes to culture shock. The thing is I probably will be writing about how I am really being blessed during this trip (seriously), so yeah. Also stoked, because the group I'm going with is obviously filled with great people who I respect and hope to become better friends with.

On another note, I just got back from touring the West Coast with a band I could care less about (not as people, just musically) and I have a wicked Nordic Beard and a new appreciation for live underground hip-hop. I got to see my family and show my dad I haven't been completely wasting my time playing bass. I also got to play with 3 of the best musicians I've ever been privileged to play with. And I got to see parts of California that I've never seen.

I'm proud of Stephanie for her strong missionary spirit in Kenya. She's going to be a fireball wherever she goes in January. Suitors, stay away from her, or I will dismember you. I'm also really proud of Allison for her work with the cancer camp. She is a soldier!

OK you really don't have to start reading this till I get to Romania. I will post pictures and silly stuff as much as possible.

So Blessed!

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