Thursday, September 4, 2008

Got me Feelin' it!

I'm just going to wander on this one. Today was a busy day. I met Mario at the travel agency this morning and we got some train info about Brasov. Then Ioana (her little girl who is trei si JUMATATE! [three and A HALF!!!!]) and I went and chased pigeons in front of Hotel Traian. I got to spend a little time talking with Mario, which I always enjoy. Some things I do and say I think make her think about having a heart attack though. Ioana is definitely the cutest girl I've ever seen chase pigeons. One of those small joys that makes you hope the world keeps going awhile longer.

We had a meeting and decided to go to Brasov. I went and bought tickets. Romanians appear very annoyed with me during business transactions. Like I know how to speak your language pretty good, but you can't use Romanian GRE words with me, because I'm just not gonna get it. It's definitely a challenge when I think I know what's going to be said and how I can respond and then they spout off something that resembles my idea of Romanian and I get all deer in the headlights for a second, at which point they begin the countdown to exasperation. I can see the moment the fuse is lit. I can do this though! I promise lady. You don't have to get mad, you just need to continue talking to me on a 5th grade level. I noticed this phenomenon while trying to mail a package at the post office as well, when I stared at a form that was explained to me, but contained several fields which were very foreign. The lady at the desk was very patient, especially for a postal worker. A young man had to help me as well. I got it (I'M expeditorul... ME!) and when I finished I felt a strong sense of accomplishment. For me it was a triumphant victory or at least a crucible. My colleagues in this epic struggle, the woman behind the desk waiting on my broken romanian and those behind me in line, were not aware of this Iwo-Jima esque finish line crossing and thus did not get down with the pathos. I looked around for approval and felt like someone who just spilled their guts at the wrong support group for a second. But looking for approval is like expecting a fly to leave you alone, because you asked nicely. I thanked her profusely.

We bought Rhett a monitor. It's prefect for movies. His laptop busted. It was sad. Now it's not. It was heavy- the monitor.

I got a nice surprise at Gmart today. I was looking for folders and "Caught Up" by Usher came on. I just started laughing and grinning. Claudiu and I would sing that song almost every day when I was here the first time. He would ask me what different stuff that didn't translate very well meant like, "Her body was so tight, I'm looking for her in the daytime with a flashlight." or "My homies say this girl is crampin' my style." I could just see him going "NOW LISTEN!" and we would just bust up laughing. Like an intravenous shot of nostalgia. I didn't care about looking like a loud or silly american at that point. Tried to explain how happy I was to Kinsey and Rhett, my fellow shoppers, but what do you say? It was beautiful, because a thousand other tracers came with that one. Like when you get a hit on battleship and you've got an instant of vistas opening up to you. Like Chula Vistas and stuff.

Tonight we watched that thing you do. I forgot how good it was. I love the part at the end where things break down and everything that was such a big deal starts to go out the window and it goes down to just Guy in that recording studio. And it isn't that big of a deal, because he gets to just do what he loves: play. And the scene in the bar where he's talking to his idol who says something like "groups come and go, but you keep playing." And I guess groups come and go, but I keep playing with orphans. A stretch I know.

Gotta wake in 3 hours?

1 comment:

holly fay said...

nu pot sa citesc aceasta blog! sunt gelos. foarte gelos. :) ai grija cu tine!